Frequently Asked Questions

Zakat Paid on long-term holdings
Aam (for Non-Moosi): 1/16th (6.25%) of take-home income
Wasiyyat (for Moosi): 1/10 to 1/3, depending upon the will
Jalsa Salana (for all earning members): 1/120th of take home income

  • You can deduct Federal tax, State and Local tax, Medicare and Social Security tax, as well the portion of Health care insurance you pay for your family.
  • Those who own a business can also deduct the above mentioned taxes, as well as Health care insurance they pay for their family.
  • The business owners should pay Chanda on all income from their business and not only on that which they take out for their monthly household expenses.
  • Regarding IRA, 401K and other retirement accounts, you have 2 options. You can pay Chanda now on the amount you contribute to the plan and not deduct it from your income. However, if you can deduct it from your income now, then you should pay Chanda on any amount that you withdraw from your retirement account in the future.

Yes, obligatory chanda (Aam/Wasiyat and Jalsa Salana) has a higher priority than auxiliary chanda. All earning members must pay obligatory Chanda according to the prescribed rate.

Yes. Non-earning Moosi have to pay a minimum amount of $300 a year Chanda Wasiyyat. This is the amount set by Markaz for USA Jama'at members. There is no minimum amount for students without an income.

Yes. It is an obligatory Chanda for all earning members. However, non-earning Moosi members are not required to pay Chanda Jalsa Salana.

Yes. They must pay obligatory chanda on their take home income, and must be included in the Income budget.

Under such circumstances, one should write to Hadhrat Khalifa tul Masih (AyyadaAllah Ta’alah Benasrihil Aziz) for permission to give obligatory chanda at a reduced rate.

No. They are not to be deducted from your income to calcuate chanda.

No. One should pay obligatory chanda before contributing to other financial schemes. Chanda Aam/Wasiyyat and Chanda Jalsa Salana are obligatory while contribution towards other schemes such as mosque fund is encouraged but not obligatory.

Financial sacrifice is the Jihad of this age and is greatly needed. Therefore, all men and women should endeavor to make their lives simpler and reduce their expenses, so that whenever Allah calls for sacrifice they should be ready to answer.

First, consider this exercise an act of blessings, so why do you want to deprive yourself of this blessing every month. Secondly, we must realize that the Jama'at incurs expenses every month. If everyone decides to pay chanda at the end of the year, the Jama'at will not be able to function at an optimum level.

"The principle of regularity (in payment) as set out by the Promised Messiah (as) is very fundamental. Even those who have little to eat have some sort of regularity in eating. It is not possible for someone to eat once and then stop eating for two months. Everyone, for whom it is possible, tries to be regular in his meals. This is why the Promised Messiah (as) has linked regularity in financial sacrifices to man's spiritual survival."

Hadhrat Kahlifatul Masih IV (RA)Friday sermon November 11, 1994

Yes. Jama'at USA has an online chanda portal that has been functional since October 2018 You can donate the most common categories of chanda using your bank account or debit/credit card. You need to submit your member code and email in order to receive an official receipt.

Yes. When configuring your chanda at you can select the recurring option (and a frequency). Based on your selection, chanda will be withdrawn automatically from your account.

In our new, update Chanda Portal, members can pause and/or cancel a recurring donation (the receipt email has instructions to do this). To edit the amount, you have to cancel the current donation and create a new one with the updated amount.